Monday, May 19, 2008

Four killed in Mexico near border (Tijuana)

UPDATE: A reader posted more details on this shooting. Apparently only the woman was American, and she had a history of drug dealing. So remove this from the "innocent tourist" category and add it to the much, much larger "drug runners killing each other off" category.


Were these four friends out for some fun in Ensenada, or small time dealers who got in over their heads. Either way, it sucks to be them. The border is a scary place, no place to go for anyone just looking for a fun travel destination.

ROSARITO, Mexico (Reuters) - Four people believed to be Americans were shot in the head and dumped in a notorious drug-smuggling area in northern Mexico near the border with California, Mexican police said on Monday.

Police in the beach town of Rosarito, across the border from San Diego, said they discovered the bodies of three men and a woman on Sunday in an abandoned car in a remote patch of scrubland near the Pacific coast.

"The bodies had been there for at least a week. They were spotted by local people out hunting," a municipal police spokesman said.

Police concluded the victims were U.S. citizens because the vehicle had California license plates, the three men were of African-American appearance, the woman was Caucasian and a U.S. driver's license was found in the car, the spokesman said.

The remote area is one of many along the border used by drug gangs to smuggle marijuana and cocaine into the United States, police said.

Violence from Mexico's vicious war between rival cartels and the police and army has spilled over from the rough nearby city of Tijuana into once-quiet Rosarito and its outlying areas as gangs fight over smuggling routes into California.

Some 1,300 people have been killed in drug violence across Mexico this year and more than 2,500 died in 2007.

(Reporting by Lizbeth Diaz; Writing by Robin Emmott; Editing by John O'Callaghan)

Four Americans killed in Mexico near border: police | U.S. | Reuters


At 5:05 PM, Blogger vivaladiva said...


• Condena gobierno municipal múltiple homicidio
• Sólo la mujer era de origen norteamericano, aunque estuvo detenida 4 veces en Estados Unidos por delitos contra la salud, incluido el tráfico de drogas y tráfico de ilegales

PLAYAS DE ROSARITO.- En relación al hallazgo de cuatro cuerpos sin vida ayer domingo 18 de mayo en el Cañón El Morro de la delegación municipal de Primo Tapia, el IV Ayuntamiento de Playas de Rosarito condena este homicidio múltiple y de acuerdo a información obtenida por la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) a través de la Subprocuraduría de Zona en Playas de Rosarito, en su investigación con autoridades norteamericanas como el Consulado General de Estados Unidos en Tijuana, la Policía de Enlace y el Sheriffato de San Diego, California, el IV Ayuntamiento de Playas de Rosarito comunica lo siguiente:

Que contrario a la información publicada hoy lunes 19 de mayo en distintos medios de comunicación regionales donde se afirma que los 3 hombres y la mujer encontrados eran norteamericanos, los primeros resultados de las investigaciones arrojan que a pesar de que su aspecto era parecido al de afro-americanos, las 3 víctimas del sexo masculino eran mexicanos residentes de este municipio y sólo la fémina era ciudadana estadounidense radicada en La Mesa, California, como se constató en su pasaporte de Estados Unidos y su licencia de conducir del Estado de California. El completo estado de descomposición que presentaban los cuerpos fue el motivo de la confusión inicial.

Que al menos 2 de los hoy occisos cuentan con antecedentes penales en Estados Unidos y se presume que lo mismo ocurre con las otras 2 víctimas, de nombres Juan José Olivares Cervantes alias "Lumpy" y Francisco Javier García Zavala, de quienes todavía está pendiente se confirme su participación en actividades ilícitas.

Que ninguno de las 4 personas ejecutadas eran turistas y, en cambio, uno de ellos, de nombre Antonio Virgen Castañeda alias "El Kilo", ya había sido detenido en Estados Unidos por portación de arma oculta, posesión de propiedad robada y delitos contra la salud, mientras que del lado mexicano también estuvo preso en la Penitenciaría de La Mesa en Tijuana, por el delito de robo de vehículo en el extranjero y portación de arma de fuego de uso exclusivo del Ejército, saliendo libre el 13 de mayo de 2007.

Que en el caso de la mujer, de nombre Lobby Gianna Craig, estuvo detenida en 4 ocasiones en Estados Unidos por delitos contra la salud, incluido el tráfico de drogas, además de que en el año 2005 fue ingresó a la cárcel por tráfico de ilegales como conductora del vehículo que se utilizaba para este fin.

Que el vehículo Cadillac STS 1999 color verde oscuro cuatro puertas con placas del Estado de California 5RSY361 serie 1G6KY5490XU929814, el cual presenta múltiples impactos producidos por proyectil de arma de fuego y en el cual fueron encontrados los cadáveres de 2 de las víctimas, contaba con reporte de robo en Estados Unidos desde febrero de este año, misma fecha en que desapareció también el propietario del vehículo, de apellido Lapont.

Que en estos momentos se ingresan los nombres de las 4 víctimas en las bases de datos del Sistema Penitenciario de Baja California a fin de determinar si también presentan antecedentes penales en suelo mexicano, como fue el caso de uno de ellos, de nombre Antonio Virgen Castañeda alias "El Kilo".

Aclarado lo anterior, el IV Ayuntamiento de Playas de Rosarito manifiesta su absoluto rechazo a este tipo de ejecuciones y estará muy pendiente de las investigaciones que realice la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado sobre estos homicidios por medio de la Subprocuraduría de Zona de Playas de Rosarito, a la cual agradece el valioso apoyo brindado al gobierno municipal para el pronto esclarecimiento de la identidad y nacionalidad de las víctimas, así como las líneas de investigación que mantiene abiertas a través de la Policía Ministerial y personal de Servicios Periciales para determinar las causas y los responsables de las ejecuciones.

El gobierno municipal de Playas de Rosarito está comprometido con la seguridad pública de nuestros habitantes y realiza un incansable esfuerzo en conjunto con el gobierno estatal, la federación y el Ejército Mexicano, para desmembrar las células del crimen organizado que tanto ha lastimado a nuestro Estado y evitar que este tipo de acontecimientos se sigan presentando.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Vlad Z. said...

Here is a Google translation of the previous comment. It appears that the four dead were NOT Americans and WERE drug dealers, as was suspected. Many thanks to the Vivaladiva for this information.

Blog of the Gods supports the efforts of the Mexican authorities and the Mexican people to resist the narcotraficante plague that exists in Mexico and the USA.

***** TRANSLATION *****

NO NI were American tourists; Tena
Criminal records, victims of homicide

• municipal government condemns multiple homicide
• Only the woman was born, but was arrested 4 times in the United States for crimes against health, including drug trafficking and smuggling of illegal

Playas de Rosarito .- In relation to the discovery of four bodies lifeless yesterday Sunday 18 May at the El Morro Canyon of the delegation of municipal Primo Tapia, the fourth municipality of Playas de Rosarito condemns this murder and multiple according to information obtained by Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) through the Deputy Attorney Zone in Playas de Rosarito, in its investigation with U.S. authorities as the U.S. Consulate General in Tijuana, the Police Liaison and Sheriffato San Diego, Calif. , The fourth municipality of Playas de Rosarito communicates the following:

That contrary to information published today Monday 19 May in various regional media which states that men and 3 women were found Americans, the first research results show that although his appearance was similar to Afro Americans, 3 male victims were Mexican residents of this county and the only female citizen was based in La Mesa, California, as was found in his U.S. passport and driver's license from the State of California. The complete state of decomposition that showed the bodies was the reason for the initial confusion.

At least 2 of today occiso have criminal records in the United States and is presumed that the same is true with the other 2 victims, names of Juan Jose Olivares Cervantes nickname "Lumpy" and Francisco Javier Garcia Zavala, who has yet to be confirm their participation in illegal activities.

That none of the 4 people were executed and tourists, however, one of them, named Antonio Castaneda Virgin alias "El Kilo", had already been arrested in U.S. for carrying concealed weapon, possession of stolen property and crimes against health, while the Mexican side was also imprisoned in La Mesa penitentiary in Tijuana, for the crime of vehicle theft abroad and bearing of firearms for the exclusive use of the army, leaving free the May 13, 2007.

That in the case of women, named Craig Lobby Gianna, was arrested 4 times in the United States for crimes against health, including drug trafficking, besides which in 2005 was admitted to jail for trafficking in illegal as driving the vehicle that was used for this purpose.

The vehicle 1999 Cadillac STS dark green four-door plates with California State 5RSY361 series 1G6KY5490XU929814, which has multiple impacts produced by projectile firearm and which were found the bodies of 2 victims, had reported theft in the United States since February this year, same date as faded also the owner of the vehicle, named Lapont.

That moment was entering the names of the victims in 4 databases of the Penitentiary System of Baja California to determine if they also have criminal records in Mexican soil, as was the case with one of them, named Virgin Antonio Castaneda alias "El Kilo".

Rinse the foregoing, the fourth municipality of Playas de Rosarito expresses its absolute rejection of such executions and will be very outstanding investigations carried out by the Prosecutor-General of the State over these killings by the Deputy Attorney Area Playas de Rosarito , Which appreciates the valuable support provided to local government for early clarification of the identity and nationality of the victims, as well as lines of inquiry that keeps open through the Ministerial Police and staff expertise to determine the causes and those responsible for executions.

The municipal government of Playas de Rosarito is committed to public safety of our people and conducts a tireless effort in conjunction with the state government, the federation and the Mexican Army, to dismember cells of organized crime that has hurt our state and prevent such events are still submitting.

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

la policia de mexico no hace nada por aclarar los crimenes pasados cuantas muertes hubo en el 2008 y cuantos casos solucionaron? pero a dios nada se le puede ocultar los culpables estaran rindiendole cuentas. la policia no se quiere meter en problemas solo dicen si saben quien fue nos dicen ,que comodidad. en lugar de investigar a los culpable investigan a los afectados aparte les ponen un poco mas


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